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Your support is essentiall to drive our campaigns in favour of the medium ambient. Since leaning with a signature a campaign or spread  in social networks, until doing you voluntary or partner.

We offer you different shapes of participation and all are important. With your help, can work to prevent the climatic change, promote an energetic revolution, preserve our oceans and forests, struggle against the crop of aliments transgènics and create a future in peace and free of nuclear energy.

Our planet needs a change, and to achieve it need to people how you.

Do you partner

Do not receive subsidies neither money of governments, public administrations, unions or companies, which thing guarantees totally our independence. We fund us only thanks to the aportacions of our partners and partners, that are therefore indispensable in representing our economic support and our social and political backrest.

The support of 100.000 partners makes possible our work in Spain and are near three millions all over the world. Join you to us! One of us.


The volunteers have are the soul and engine of our organisation. People that voluntàriament have decided to act to protect our planet. If you are engaged with our principles of independence and pacifism and want to contribute your time and skills to collaborate in our campaigns join you to our volunteers!

Your help is fundamental. Act!

Do you ciber-activist

Leans our campaigns doing you ciberactivista. The mobilisation of people through Internet is one of our big strategies of pressure to governments and companies because they protect the medium ambient. You, beside us, can be active part of our requests and actions Collaborates with us!

Do you ciber-activist

Leans our campaigns doing you ciberactivista. The mobilisation of people through Internet is one of our big strategies of pressure to governments and companies because they protect the medium ambient. You, beside us, can be active part of our requests and actions Collaborates with us!

More shapes to take part

Besides can involve you aiming you to our newsletter and will receive all our news, can follow us in social networks, be activist, join you to the network of young if you are lesser of 25 years, be educating or turn you into a responsible consumer.

Follow us in Facebook, Instagram and in Twitter.

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Collaboration with the program "Conciencia al planeta", on what the people do for our planet.(The video is in Spanish).

How you can see also can us amuse saving our planet.

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