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The called “seventh continent” is among the Pacific. Has a size incalculable, is formed by plastic, toothbrushes, clothes and rubbish... Although they have happened 15 years since his finding, still there is not a solution to withdraw this waste avoiding a severe impact to the marine means.

It was discovered by Charles Moore the 13 of August of 1997. It sailed in his sailboat since Hawaii until California when, in diverting of the route planned, found surant in the water a row of bottles of plastic, containers, clothes, exchanges of rubbish, etc., that gave place to an island of rubbish of incalculable dimensions.

The reason of the accumulation of such dump among the Pacific, is the meeting at this point of the current in vòrtex of the Peaceful North with the winds trade winds south, that move in opposite addresses. This gives place to an eddy that prevents that the rubbish plastic disperse to the coasts.

Regarding the origin of this waste, 80% of the rubbish accumulated at this point come from of terrestrial zones reached this area through rivers, aigües and beaches. 20% remaining is associated to ships and to other maritime platforms.

National Weather Service Marine Forecasts (NOAA) ensures that it is not possible to realise a calculation approximated of the size and the mass of the island because his limits are not determined, Greenpeace confirms that his length is greater that the one of Texas. For his band the National Centre of French Space Studies (CNES) affirm that it measures 22.200 km of circumference and that his surface climbs to 3,4 million km2.

The island is not visible by means of photographies for satellite, since the big part of the waste are not surant in the surface, but that they find in shape of particles suspended in the column of water, which thing has brought to many researchers to compare it with a “soup of rubbish”.


More than one million fowls, 100.000 mammals and turtles die by the year because of the plastics thrown to the sea.

The effects of this waste on the marine organisms are quite a lot of known, plastics can be ingerits for the marine animals accumulating them in his digestive tube, the bottles of glass and the tins can cause wounds to the organisms that the ingest and even the animals can remain trapped in networks and big plastic that suren to it derives reaching produce them the death for asphyxia or gana.

The plastics also are a danger for the navigation because can stick to the hèlixs of the ships or to the pales of the rudders and produce accidents.

Video Explanation (spanish)

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